De petitionaris heeft haar studie Mediarecht afgerond en wacht op haar cijfer. Tijd voor een overzicht van gerechtelijke dwalingen die fototrollen gebruiken om mensen onder druk te zetten en te laten betalen.
Op eigen naam schade vorderen
Ik zie steeds meer blafbrieven namens grote partijen als ANP, Reuters, AFP en Alamy. Partijen die op eigen naam schade vorderen en waar de fotograaf zelf vermoedelijk geen cent van ziet.
Nieuw voor mij was dat Copytrack namens DPG Media meer dan duizend brieven in één week verstuurt. Vermoedelijk blijven de ‘boetes’ van DPG Media onder de € 500,- en die worden niet aan mij voorgelegd, vandaar dat ik het niet wist.
DPG Media krijgt weliswaar een vrijwel onbeperkte licentie van de fotograaf, maar fotografen behouden hun auteursrecht en dragen het niet over.
Helaas vragen gedupeerden zelden naar bewijs dat eisers gerechtigd zijn om op eigen naam schade te vorderen en moet ik de eerste kantonrechter nog tegenkomen die geen genoegen neemt met een bewijsaanbod. Een bewijsaanbod dat tegenwoordig bijna standaard is terwijl de wet voorschrijft dat alle bewijsmiddelen bij dagvaarding moeten worden overlegd, de substantiëringsplicht, art. 111.3 Rv.
Vraag je wél naar bewijs, dan win je.
De term diefstal voor een onopzettelijke inbreuk is ongepast. Diefstal is een misdrijf, daar doe je aangifte van en dat valt onder strafrecht. Fototrollen willen geen straf maar schadevergoedingen. Ze beschuldigen je van een onrechtmatige handeling. Dat is geen misdrijf, je dient enkel schade te vergoeden en het valt onder civielrecht.
Een inbreuk moet verwijtbaar zijn om voor schadevergoeding in aanmerking te komen. Cruciale vraag is of jij wist, of redelijkerwijs had kunnen weten dat je rechten schond. Voor foto’s die automatisch verschijnen via een feed of een link die je deelt is de uitgever aansprakelijk. Voor foto’s die een ander plaatst de ander. En bij foto’s die anoniem zijn uitgegeven kun je mijn inziens niet verwachten dat je voor niet-commercieel gebruik uitgebreid onderzoek doet naar de rechthebbende.
Bij deze recente zaak zou ik zelf ingezet hebben op verwijtbaarheid.
Alleen de fotograaf zelf heeft recht op naamsvermelding en op schadevergoeding voor het ontbreken van naamsvermelding. Het is een persoonlijkheidsrecht dat niet overgedragen kan worden. Een werkgever, een uitgever, opdrachtgever of rechtenbeheerder heeft geen recht op naamsvermelding, noch op schadevergoeding voor het ontbreken ervan. Daar is duidelijke jurisprudentie over.
Zo heeft Roel Dijkstra geen recht op schadevergoeding wegens ontbreken naamsvermelding bij de beroemde foto’s van Bokito.
Het recht op naamsvermelding vervalt zodra de foto met toestemming van de fotograaf zonder naamsvermelding is uitgegeven. Een aantal partijen geven bewust foto's anoniem uit om vervolgens blafbrieven te versturen.
Onderbouwing schade
De wet gaat uit van daadwerkelijke schade. Schadevergoedingen zijn zelden deugdelijk onderbouwd en rechters gaan ondanks gemotiveerde betwisting vaak mee in de opgeklopte bedragen. Fototrollen gebruiken dat om hoge bedragen af te dwingen.
Helaas vragen gedaagden zelden naar bewijs van het tarief dat ten tijde van de inbreuk gold. Rechter schat dan het tarief of sluit aan bij de tarieven van Stichting Beeld Anoniem of bij tarieven uit eerdere jurisprudentie.
Het door professionals vaak gegeven advies, betaal het normale tarief met een kleine opslag, raad ik ten zeerste af. Je verhoogt mijn inziens de kans dat ze je voor de rechter slepen. Je betwist immers niet dat zij gerechtigd zijn èn erkent verwijtbaar gehandeld te hebben.
Fotograaf zonder blafjurist
Het gevolg van de toenemende hoeveelheid blafbrieven voor partijen die de rechten niet hebben is dat het voor de fotograaf met een serieuze claim steeds lastiger wordt om zelf zijn rechten te handhaven.
Waardeer het als de fotograaf zelf contact opneemt en probeer het zonder tussenkomst van een jurist op te lossen. Voor beide kanten lopen de kosten anders snel op.
Mijn advies als de fotograaf je zelf benaderd is zonder enige discussie een billijke schadevergoeding over te maken. Voor een particulier, kleine stichting of sportvereniging €25 tot €50,-. Voor commercieel gebruik €100 tot €250,-.
Nieuwe afleveringen Kafka
Tot slot, de serie artikelen op LinkedIn over mijn ervaringen met de overheid is aangevuld met deel 4 over Rechtbanken en deel 5 over de Nationale Ombudsman.
Nog een lange weg te gaan. Promoot de petitie en deel je ervaringen met fototrollen online.
De petitionaris
Deze tekst kwam niet van chatgpt.
Het probleem met deze zin is dat we met alle informatie nu blind moeten vertrouwen of de tekst wel of niet gegenereerd is door de computer of door een mens.
Op LinkedIn betrap ik nu al heel vaak dat teksten niet van de mensen afkomt die ik in eerste instantie volg. Mensen die eerst 3 zinnen tekst schreven en nu uit het niets hele essays posten. Gevolg, als ik het niet vertrouw stop ik met lezen. En daar zit het gevaar. Gebrek aan vertrouwen,achterdochtig zijn en je ogen sluiten. En dat is problematisch voor toekomstige communicatie.
Nieuwsupdate. Deze week kwam naar buiten dat "the godfather of ai" nu vraagt om de ontwikkeling te remmen. ondanks deze nieuwsartikelen zie ik weinig schot in de zaak.
Ik wordt er een beetje moedeloos van, ook als ik merk dat mensen nog blind zijn voor de problemen die het met zich mee kan gaan brengen, het komt vaak dat mensen het niet begrijpen. Ik moest mijn moeder stap voor stap laten zien wat de software kon. We moeten mensen boven uitleggen en laten zien wat de voordelen en nadelen kunnen zijn.
Met dat laatste heb ik hulp nodig, deze boodschap kan ik niet alleen overbrengen, dat zullen we allemaal moeten doen. Alleen dan kan deze petitie kans van slagen hebben
"Wij kunnen morgen ook een petitie starten en dan krijgen we eenzelfde resultaat", zegt koper Peter van Eick.
Bedankt iedereen voor het tekenen van de petitie en aan het meedoen met overige acties. Het heeft in ieder geval voorlopig gewerkt.
Betaald parkeren is uitgesteld door zorgen van bewoners, bedrijven en overige instellingen. Maar dit betekent niet dat de strijd is gestreden. Uitstel is namelijk geen afstel! Dit toont wel degelijk aan dat we samen een verschil kunnen maken. Wie er nog niet in gelooft is hopelijk nu wel overtuigd. Steun de petitie en laten we samen met een beter plan komen!
Samen zijn we sterker!!!
To: House of Representatives 9h May 2023 Attn. Committee of Justice and Security, Attn.
Committee of Foreign Affairs, PO Box 20018 2500 EA The Hague
Urgent Action Needed: End the Plight of Sudanese Asylum Seekers in the Netherlands Amid Ongoing Crisis and War in Sudan"
Your Excellency,
Allow us to start with the warnings issued by international organisations that Sudan will suffer an unimaginable humanitarian catastrophe if the ongoing war does not stop permanently.
The intense fighting is putting the lives, safety, and security of civilians at grave risk all over Sudan. The new escalation in violence is exacerbating an already devastating situation and making people desperately need urgent help. At least more than 500 people have died and thousands injured since the power struggle between Sudan's army and paramilitary group Rapid Support Forces (RSF) descended into fighting almost four weeks ago.
The fighting has pushed Sudan's population to near breaking point, with food becoming scarce, electricity cut off and many hospitals shut down. To make things worse, multiple aid agencies have suspended operations, and the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) said it was gearing up for potentially tens of thousands of people including children, women, and the elderly, fleeing to neighbouring countries.
The UN refugee agency also stated that “the ongoing brutal conflict has forced more than 100,000 Sudanese Refugees to flee neighboring countries, and at least 20,000 Sudanese refugees to flee to Chad from Darfur”, which it describes as “one of the regions most affected by violence of Sudan, and where growing instability might cause much larger displacement in the coming weeks.”
Regrettably, the situation in Sudan remains volatile. There are no positive signs on the horizon about an imminent end to the fighting, and people in Sudan are still living in fear every single day. Bodies are scattered in the streets, children, and women are among the victims. It seems the voice of bullets has prevailed over the voice of wisdom, sanity and the sanctity of our homeland and the safety of its citizens.
The signatories believes that the dilemma of the transitional period lies in the existence of multiple heads of power and decision-making centres. In addition, the de facto authority is neither elected nor decentralized and is unable to take decisive decisions. We are particularly saddened that once again, avaricious, and power-hungry men have trampled upon the needs and wishes of Sudanese people.
In the face of this tragic scene, the world watched with interest how the concerned countries hastened to evacuate their diplomatic missions and nationals from Sudan, which left an impression among many that the crisis is likely to deteriorate rapidly.
However, we are particularly saddened to see these countries racing to evacuate their nationals from Sudan, while they stand by and watch the catastrophic scene in this country. The paradox here is that the majority of these countries provide support to the two warring parties, the army and the Rapid Support Forces, in accordance with their interests. We are also shocked to learn that some of these countries have ruled out introducing safe and legal routes for Sudanese fleeing the war to seek asylum in their soil.
The signatories strongly believes that the relevant Dutch authorities should grant all Sudanese asylum seekers the right to settle immediately and without any conditions under their applicable legislations, and in the light of the ongoing war in Sudan.
Those unfortunate people and their families have endured years of uncertainty and are traumatized as a result, let alone the psychological, emotional, and financial problems they are experiencing. Many suffer from panic attacks, nightmares, and psychological problems due to the long wait for decisions regarding their asylum applications.
Undoubtedly, the ongoing war in their country, the lack of security and basics elements of normal life for the citizens there and the constant concern for the safety of their families have exacerbated the suffering of these people and made their psychological and mental conditions worse than ever.
We hereby strongly appeal to your esteemed administration to take the necessary measures to end the plight of Sudanese asylum seekers, their long suffering and grant them asylum to prove that the Netherlands is at the forefront of sponsoring countries for refugees fleeing repression and persecution in their country in search of safe havens.
Signatories: 1. Broad National Movement. 2. Darfur Union. 3. Here to Support Stichting. 4. M2M. 5. Stichting Present Amsterdam 6. Sudanese Baathist Party. 7. Sudanese Communist Party. 8. Sudanese Cultural Association. 9. Sudanese Refugees Organization. 10. Wij zijn hier.
Signatories according to website <> :
To: House of Representatives
Attn. Rt Hon Vera Bergkamp,
Speaker of the House of Representatives,
PO Box 20018
2500 EA The Hague
Subject: Urgent Action Needed: End the Plight of Sudanese Asylum Seekers in the Netherlands in Light of Ongoing War in Sudan"
Your Excellency,
Allow us to start with the warnings issued by international organizations that Sudan will suffer an unimaginable humanitarian catastrophe if the ongoing war does not stop permanently.
The intense fighting is putting the lives, safety, and security of civilians at grave risk all over Sudan.
The new escalation in violence is exacerbating an already devastating situation and making people desperately need urgent help. At least more than 500 people have died and thousands injured since the power struggle between Sudan's army and paramilitary group Rapid Support Forces (RSF) descended into fighting almost four weeks ago.
The fighting has pushed Sudan's population to near breaking point, with food becoming scarce, electricity cut off and many hospitals shut down. To make things worse, multiple aid agencies have suspended operations, and the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) said it was gearing up for potentially tens of thousands of people including children, women, and the elderly, fleeing to neighbouring countries.
The UN refugee agency also stated that ?the ongoing brutal conflict has forced more than 100,000 Sudanese Refugees to flee neighboring countries, and at least 20,000 Sudanese refugees to flee to Chad from Darfur?, which it describes as ?one of the regions most affected by violence of Sudan, and where growing instability might cause much larger displacement in the coming weeks.?
Regrettably, the situation in Sudan remains volatile. There are no positive signs on the horizon about an imminent end to the fighting, and people in Sudan are still living in fear every single day. Bodies are scattered in the streets, children, and women are among the victims. It seems the voice of bullets has prevailed over the voice of wisdom, sanity and the sanctity of our homeland and the safety of its citizens.
The signatories believes that the dilemma of the transitional period lies in the existence of multiple heads of power and decision-making centres. In addition, the de facto authority is neither elected nor decentralized and is unable to take decisive decisions. We are particularly saddened that once again, avaricious, and power-hungry men have trampled upon the needs and wishes of Sudanese people.
In the face of this tragic scene, the world watched with interest how the concerned countries hastened to evacuate their diplomatic missions and nationals from Sudan, which left an impression among many that the crisis is likely to deteriorate rapidly.
However, we are particularly saddened to see these countries racing to evacuate their nationals from Sudan, while they stand by and watch the catastrophic scene in this country. The paradox here is that the majority of these countries provide support to the two warring parties, the army and the Rapid Support Forces, in accordance with their interests. We are also shocked to learn that some of these countries have ruled out introducing safe and legal routes for Sudanese fleeing the war to seek asylum in their soil.
The signatories strongly believes that the relevant Dutch authorities should grant all Sudanese asylum seekers the right to settle immediately and without any conditions under their applicable legislations, and in the light of the ongoing war in Sudan.
Those unfortunate people and their families have endured years of uncertainty and are traumatized as a result, let alone the psychological, emotional, and financial problems they are experiencing. Many suffer from panic attacks, nightmares, and psychological problems due to the long wait for decisions regarding their asylum applications.
Undoubtedly, the ongoing war in their country, the lack of security and basics elements of normal life for the citizens there and the constant concern for the safety of their families have exacerbated the suffering of these people and made their psychological and mental conditions worse than ever.
We hereby strongly appeal to your esteemed administration to take the necessary measures to end the plight of Sudanese asylum seekers, their long suffering and grant them asylum to prove that the Netherlands is at the forefront of sponsoring countries for refugees fleeing repression and persecution in their country in search of safe havens.
Voorafgaand aan de gemeenteraadsvergadering Borsele op 11 mei aanstaande wordt deze petitie ingediend. In totaal ondersteunen 428 mensen de petitie (inclusief handtekeningenlijsten).
Allow us to start with the warnings issued by international organisations that Sudan will suffer an unimaginable humanitarian catastrophe if the ongoing war does not stop permanently. The intense fighting is putting the lives, safety, and security of civilians at grave risk all over Sudan. The new escalation in violence is exacerbating an already devastating situation and making people desperately need urgent help.
At least more than 500 people have died and thousands injured since the power struggle between Sudan's army and paramilitary group Rapid Support Forces (RSF) descended into fighting almost two weeks ago. The fighting has pushed Sudan's population to near breaking point, with food becoming scarce, electricity cut off and many hospitals shut down. To make things worse, multiple aid agencies have suspended operations, and the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) said it was gearing up for potentially tens of thousands of people fleeing to neighbouring countries.
The UN refugee agency also stated that “the ongoing brutal conflict has forced at least 20,000 Sudanese refugees to flee to Chad from Darfur”, which it describes as “one of the regions most affected by violence of Sudan, and where growing instability might cause much larger displacement in the coming weeks.” Regrettably, the situation in Sudan remains volatile. There are no positive signs on the horizon about an imminent end to the fighting, and people in Sudan are still living in fear every single day. It seems the voice of bullets has prevailed over the voice of wisdom, sanity and the sanctity of our homeland and the safety of its citizens. The signatories believes that the dilemma of the transitional period lies in the existence of multiple heads of power and decision-making centres. In addition, the de facto authority is neither elected nor decentralized and is unable to take decisive decisions. We are particularly saddened that once again, avaricious, and power-hungry men have trampled upon the needs and wishes of Sudanese people. In the face of this tragic scene, the world watched with interest how the concerned countries hastened to evacuate their diplomatic missions and nationals from Sudan, which left an impression among many that the crisis is likely to deteriorate rapidly. However, we are particularly saddened to see these countries racing to evacuate their nationals from Sudan, while they stand by and watch the catastrophic scene in this country. The paradox here is that the majority of these countries provide support to the two warring parties, the army and the Rapid Support Forces, in accordance with their interests. We are also shocked to learn that some of these countries have ruled out introducing safe and legal routes for Sudanese fleeing the war to seek asylum in their soil. The signatories strongly believes that the relevant Dutch authorities should grant all Sudanese asylum seekers the right to settle immediately and without any conditions under their applicable legislations. Those unfortunate people and their families have endured years of uncertainty and are traumatized as a result, let alone the psychological, emotional, and financial problems they are experiencing.
Many suffer from panic attacks, nightmares, and psychological problems due to the long wait for decisions regarding their asylum applications. Undoubtedly, the ongoing war in their country, the lack of security and basics elements of normal life for the citizens there and the constant concern for the safety of their families have exacerbated the suffering of these people and made their psychological and mental conditions worse than ever.
We hereby strongly appeal to your esteemed administration to take the necessary measures to end the plight of Sudanese asylum seekers, their long suffering and grant them asylum to prove that the Netherlands is at the forefront of sponsoring countries for refugees fleeing repression and persecution in their country in search of safe havens.