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Temporary suspension of Utrecht University’s resit policy

773 ondertekeningen

The Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic is making it very challenging for students to perform and focus on their studies as usual. Therefore, Utrecht University’s resit policy, which requires a minimum grade of 4.0 to participate in a resit exam, should be suspended for period 3 and 4.



Students of Utrecht University


constateren dat:

  • That the suddenly adapted ways of examination, and the discontinuation of (physical) classes, may severely impact students’ academic results and progress.

  • Libraries and other study spots are closed, which forces students to (try) study at home, where it can be very crowded/noisy, especially now.

  • The Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic creates a lot of distraction, making it very challenging for students to perform and focus as usual.


en verzoeken

Therefore, Utrecht University’s exclusive resit policy, which requires a minimum grade of 4.0 to participate in a resit exam, should be suspended for period 3 and 4. This could prevent significant study delays, which should be prevented at all costs.


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Laura Doan 
Utrecht University 

