The Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic is making it very challenging for students to perform and focus on their studies as usual. Therefore, Utrecht University’s resit policy, which requires a minimum grade of 4.0 to participate in a resit exam, should be suspended for period 3 and 4.
Students of Utrecht University
That the suddenly adapted ways of examination, and the discontinuation of (physical) classes, may severely impact students’ academic results and progress.
Libraries and other study spots are closed, which forces students to (try) study at home, where it can be very crowded/noisy, especially now.
The Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic creates a lot of distraction, making it very challenging for students to perform and focus as usual.
Therefore, Utrecht University’s exclusive resit policy, which requires a minimum grade of 4.0 to participate in a resit exam, should be suspended for period 3 and 4. This could prevent significant study delays, which should be prevented at all costs.