You, the petitioner


Er is overeenstemming bereikt tussen ACTW66 en Advocaten (Traktaat van Wassenaar)

Er is overeenstemming bereikt tussen ACTW66 en Advocaten (Traktaat van Wassenaar).

Na een lang, moeizaam traject van onderhandelingen zijn het bestuur van ACTW66 en Advocaten tot overeenstemming gekomen. Deze overeenkomst behelst dat op basis van 'No Cure No Pay' haar dienstverlening verstrekt behoudens de gemaakte facilitaire kosten (uitvoeringskosten, welke thuis horen bij de overheid). Met betrekking tot de operationele kosten: voor kantoor, info/help om de gedupeerden bij te staan, verblijf, reizen, secretariaat, telefoon en correspondentie, naast de gerecht- en griffiekosten. 400.000 euro is hiervoor gebudgetteerd.

Het bestuur van ACTW66 op haar beurt verplicht zich tot betaling bij het ontvangen van middelen verkregen uit fondsen. Dit impliceert dat de Advocaten nu aan de slag gaan. Voor het bestuur van ACTW 66 betekent dit naast dat het rapport, nu ook het stokje is overgedragen.


Wij staan de maand september/oktober met de ICM-Stand op de Pasars te Den Bosch, Leek en Rijswijk. Hier kunt u ook via de petitielijst ondertekenen en doneren.

Uw donatie/bijdrage kunt U storten op Rabo-rekening NL41 RABO 03977255 07 ten name van F. Schwab / ICM Online onder vermelding van Donatie ACTW 66 - Traktaat van Wassenaar. Wij hebben uw donatie hard nodig voor de uitvoeringskosten van de regeling tot compensatie, welke de Nederlandse Staat bewust 51 jaar heeft nagelaten, teneinde ons werk verder af te kunnen maken. Hartelijk dank!

Donaties van 50 Euro en hoger ontvangen rapport uitbetalen traktaat van Wassenaar druk I. Deze is tot stand gekomen door het team en advocaten o.a. door diverse WOB verzoeken. Dit boek (rapport) wordt samen met de 15.000 handtekeningen overhandigd en ingezet bij proces.

De petitie wordt aangeboden aan de burgemeester op dinsdag 30 mei, om 19.30u., op het STADHUIS, Grote Kerks-plein


Letter together with the petition to parliament

To: House of Representatives
Attn. Rt Hon Vera Bergkamp,
Speaker of the House of Representatives,
PO Box 20018
2500 EA The Hague

Subject: Urgent Action Needed: End the Plight of Sudanese Asylum Seekers in the Netherlands in Light of Ongoing War in Sudan"

Your Excellency,

Allow us to start with the warnings issued by international organizations that Sudan will suffer an unimaginable humanitarian catastrophe if the ongoing war does not stop permanently.

The intense fighting is putting the lives, safety, and security of civilians at grave risk all over Sudan.


The new escalation in violence is exacerbating an already devastating situation and making people desperately need urgent help. At least more than 500 people have died and thousands injured since the power struggle between Sudan's army and paramilitary group Rapid Support Forces (RSF) descended into fighting almost four weeks ago.

The fighting has pushed Sudan's population to near breaking point, with food becoming scarce, electricity cut off and many hospitals shut down. To make things worse, multiple aid agencies have suspended operations, and the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) said it was gearing up for potentially tens of thousands of people including children, women, and the elderly, fleeing to neighbouring countries.

The UN refugee agency also stated that ?the ongoing brutal conflict has forced more than 100,000 Sudanese Refugees to flee neighboring countries, and at least 20,000 Sudanese refugees to flee to Chad from Darfur?, which it describes as ?one of the regions most affected by violence of Sudan, and where growing instability might cause much larger displacement in the coming weeks.?

Regrettably, the situation in Sudan remains volatile. There are no positive signs on the horizon about an imminent end to the fighting, and people in Sudan are still living in fear every single day. Bodies are scattered in the streets, children, and women are among the victims. It seems the voice of bullets has prevailed over the voice of wisdom, sanity and the sanctity of our homeland and the safety of its citizens.

The signatories believes that the dilemma of the transitional period lies in the existence of multiple heads of power and decision-making centres. In addition, the de facto authority is neither elected nor decentralized and is unable to take decisive decisions. We are particularly saddened that once again, avaricious, and power-hungry men have trampled upon the needs and wishes of Sudanese people.

In the face of this tragic scene, the world watched with interest how the concerned countries hastened to evacuate their diplomatic missions and nationals from Sudan, which left an impression among many that the crisis is likely to deteriorate rapidly.

However, we are particularly saddened to see these countries racing to evacuate their nationals from Sudan, while they stand by and watch the catastrophic scene in this country. The paradox here is that the majority of these countries provide support to the two warring parties, the army and the Rapid Support Forces, in accordance with their interests. We are also shocked to learn that some of these countries have ruled out introducing safe and legal routes for Sudanese fleeing the war to seek asylum in their soil.

The signatories strongly believes that the relevant Dutch authorities should grant all Sudanese asylum seekers the right to settle immediately and without any conditions under their applicable legislations, and in the light of the ongoing war in Sudan.

Those unfortunate people and their families have endured years of uncertainty and are traumatized as a result, let alone the psychological, emotional, and financial problems they are experiencing. Many suffer from panic attacks, nightmares, and psychological problems due to the long wait for decisions regarding their asylum applications.

Undoubtedly, the ongoing war in their country, the lack of security and basics elements of normal life for the citizens there and the constant concern for the safety of their families have exacerbated the suffering of these people and made their psychological and mental conditions worse than ever.

We hereby strongly appeal to your esteemed administration to take the necessary measures to end the plight of Sudanese asylum seekers, their long suffering and grant them asylum to prove that the Netherlands is at the forefront of sponsoring countries for refugees fleeing repression and persecution in their country in search of safe havens.


Petitie wordt 11 mei ingediend

Voorafgaand aan de gemeenteraadsvergadering Borsele op 11 mei aanstaande wordt deze petitie ingediend. In totaal ondersteunen 428 mensen de petitie (inclusief handtekeningenlijsten).

Urgent Action Needed: End the Plight of Sudanese Asylum Seekers in the Netherlands in Light of Ongoing War in Sudan"

Allow us to start with the warnings issued by international organisations that Sudan will suffer an unimaginable humanitarian catastrophe if the ongoing war does not stop permanently. The intense fighting is putting the lives, safety, and security of civilians at grave risk all over Sudan. The new escalation in violence is exacerbating an already devastating situation and making people desperately need urgent help.


At least more than 500 people have died and thousands injured since the power struggle between Sudan's army and paramilitary group Rapid Support Forces (RSF) descended into fighting almost two weeks ago. The fighting has pushed Sudan's population to near breaking point, with food becoming scarce, electricity cut off and many hospitals shut down. To make things worse, multiple aid agencies have suspended operations, and the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) said it was gearing up for potentially tens of thousands of people fleeing to neighbouring countries.

The UN refugee agency also stated that “the ongoing brutal conflict has forced at least 20,000 Sudanese refugees to flee to Chad from Darfur”, which it describes as “one of the regions most affected by violence of Sudan, and where growing instability might cause much larger displacement in the coming weeks.” Regrettably, the situation in Sudan remains volatile. There are no positive signs on the horizon about an imminent end to the fighting, and people in Sudan are still living in fear every single day. It seems the voice of bullets has prevailed over the voice of wisdom, sanity and the sanctity of our homeland and the safety of its citizens. The signatories believes that the dilemma of the transitional period lies in the existence of multiple heads of power and decision-making centres. In addition, the de facto authority is neither elected nor decentralized and is unable to take decisive decisions. We are particularly saddened that once again, avaricious, and power-hungry men have trampled upon the needs and wishes of Sudanese people. In the face of this tragic scene, the world watched with interest how the concerned countries hastened to evacuate their diplomatic missions and nationals from Sudan, which left an impression among many that the crisis is likely to deteriorate rapidly. However, we are particularly saddened to see these countries racing to evacuate their nationals from Sudan, while they stand by and watch the catastrophic scene in this country. The paradox here is that the majority of these countries provide support to the two warring parties, the army and the Rapid Support Forces, in accordance with their interests. We are also shocked to learn that some of these countries have ruled out introducing safe and legal routes for Sudanese fleeing the war to seek asylum in their soil. The signatories strongly believes that the relevant Dutch authorities should grant all Sudanese asylum seekers the right to settle immediately and without any conditions under their applicable legislations. Those unfortunate people and their families have endured years of uncertainty and are traumatized as a result, let alone the psychological, emotional, and financial problems they are experiencing.

Many suffer from panic attacks, nightmares, and psychological problems due to the long wait for decisions regarding their asylum applications. Undoubtedly, the ongoing war in their country, the lack of security and basics elements of normal life for the citizens there and the constant concern for the safety of their families have exacerbated the suffering of these people and made their psychological and mental conditions worse than ever.

We hereby strongly appeal to your esteemed administration to take the necessary measures to end the plight of Sudanese asylum seekers, their long suffering and grant them asylum to prove that the Netherlands is at the forefront of sponsoring countries for refugees fleeing repression and persecution in their country in search of safe havens.

Petitie aangeboden aan wethouder Kikkert

Wij luiden de noodklok Stop Staatsbosbeheer – Stop de kap van het Schoorlse Bos – Stop Ruttes Kartel

Onze acties voor het redden van Bossen gaan door in heel Nederland

Wij luiden de noodklok

Omdat Staatsbosbeheer van plan is om nog veel meer hectare bos te kappen.

Klokkenluider Citaat: “Men wil de onvervangbare mooie bomen met subsidie verstoken in ziekmakende biomassa centrales. Men wil de natuur vernietigen zodat een enorme kale vlakte overblijft waar Staatsbosbeheer nog eens 200 voetbalvelden met zand wil gaan kiepen om daarmee de indruk te wekken dat men het voor het aanleggen van een zandgebied en voor biodiversiteit doet, maar zij maken de biodiversiteit kapot, het gaat hun alleen maar om geld en het innen van subsidies voor het verstoken van bomen in ziekmakende houtovens.


Zij hebben gelogen en bedrog gepleegd want de bomen halen stikstof uit de lucht, ze zorgen voor verkoeling, en ze houden de bodem vast en dat is nodig voor de veiligheid, men liegt dat het gedrukt staat, meer klokkenluiders spreken van corruptie omkoping, er is helemaal geen M.E.R (Milieu Effect Rapportage) gemaakt, er is gelogen, rapporten zijn vervalst en men liegt dat het om beschermende maatregelen voor “de natuur” zou gaan. De kap moet verboden worden en er dient een parlementaire enquete te komen naar corruptie/omkoping, de vreselijke aanslag op flora en fauna zoals de massale boomkap in Nederland en de miljardenzwendel/subsidie op het verstoken van bomen, de zeer grote schade, het ziek worden van steeds meer Nederlanders( longkanker/copd) door het inademen van /fijnstof/gifstoffen die vrijkomen bij het verbranden van hout in biomassa-centrales

Bewoners van Schoorl vragen u om hen mee te helpen om het bos te behouden. Ons mooiste duingebied van Nederland Trekt 2,2 miljoen bezoekers en dat is omdat ​ons gebied prachtig is zoals het is Wij houden van ons bos en denken dat u ook van ons bos houdt. Help ons dit bos te behouden

Teken de Petitie

924 ondertekeningen in totaal

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