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No subsidy cut for Hogeschool Zuyd Students at the University Sports centre

270 ondertekeningen

Since the start of this year, Hogeschool Zuyd has decided to cut subsidy regarding their students being able to sport at the University Sports centre. This means that the students have to pay double the for their sportscard in comparison to uni students. Sign this if you think this is unfair!



We are MUSST, the student sports council of Maastricht. We are there for all the sporting students.


constateren dat:

  • Hogeschool Zuyd students now have to pay double the price for their sportscard which keeps them from being able to have similar rights as the students from University of Maastricht.

  • This puts a barrier between the Zuyd and university students on playing sports together and in the student sports associations there can arise an even bigger barrier.

  • On top of that, students are students and the price for the sportscard is way to high right now.


en verzoeken

the subsidy from Zuyd Hogeschool back. So that the students from Zuyd Hogeschool will get the same rights back as the University students and do not have to pay more for their sportscard anymore.


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Carlijn Piepers 
Sports Council MUSST 

