U, de petitionaris

Let the family of Elena stay in the shelter in Oss

42 ondertekeningen

The family of Elena is requested to move out of the refugee shelter in Oss because one of her children has been very mischievous. Please ask the management of the shelter to allow them to stay.



residents of the refugee center in OSS (Thuis in Oss) and other supporters


constateren dat:

  • Alyona (the mother of two children) works in Oss and does not have a car to travel to her working place from another city. This place is not easily accessible with the public transportation.
  • She raises her boys alone. It is very hard for her at times.
  • We do agree that her younger boy is very mischievous, and we understand that this is exactly why they are requested to leave.
  • However, we will talk to him and explain how he needs to behave.


en verzoeken

give the family one more chance so that they can stay in Oss and the mother may keep her job.

We are appealing to you to give them a three-months' probation period. As soon as one of her boys misbehaves severely again, they will be forced to immediately leave this place.

By signing please write your room number in the extra field. Your signature does not have to be visible (do not choose it).


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