U, de petitionaris

Don't close the hallway closets at Hoogeveldt

74 ondertekeningen

SSH& is planning to forcefully lock all hallway closets at Hoogeveldt at short notice, because some hallways are leaving their closet so full that it doesn't close anymore and becomes a fire hazard. It is unjustified for SSH& to punish all hallways for the actions of a few.



Residents of Hoogeveldt


constateren dat:

SSH& has lately been enforcing stricter rules regarding fire safety. Their next plan is a forced closing of the hallway closets, because some hallways have been leaving their closet messy, thereby creating a fire hazard. Fire safety is matter of the highest priority. However, this plan will lead to a drastic decrease of storage area, resulting in even more cramped kitchens, thereby actually decreasing fire safety and liveability of the kitchen.


en verzoeken

We ask that SSH& doesn't punish all hallways because of the actions of a few. We ask that SSH& puts effort into finding a constructive solution in consultation with the residents of Hoogeveldt, so that we can share the responsibility of maintaining a fire safe environment.


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Bas Dautzenberg 

