You, the petitioner


"Where there is a will, there is a way"

The parents of the children attending the pre-school in the premises of the IPSA (International Primary School Almere) can all attest how extraordinary the teachers have been in terms of educating, caring and nurturing our children, but we also understand the financial reasons behind this business decision (less pupils in the waiting list + a high rent), which is why we proposed the current provider, Partou, to consider these alternatives before closing the pre-school:

  1. Starting from September, opening the pre-school with 8 kids per 1 teacher (respecting thus the ratio for this specific age group) with a waiting list for additional applications. The 2nd teacher would be reintroduced once the desired number of students was reached. In September we have 8 children; some want to stay for an extended period of time;

  2. Parent participation: one parent would be present at the location every day in order to assist the teacher whenever needed;

  3. A (more aggressive) marketing campaign: almost nobody knows the pre-school exists. At the Almere Gemeente website, as an example, there is no mention of this pre-school at all. We recommended an open day every quarter, marketed across expat groups and forums, informing everyone about the school and its benefits, in order to boost applications. The first open day could be held in July before the expected end of school. The parents were willing to help advertising not only the pre-school but also the open day;

  4. If feasible, opening a BSO at the location in the afternoons to boost profits and somehow compensate for the pre-school lowest months;

Partou believes these suggestions are good, but the rent is still too high. The parents have tried to get a reaction from the Gemeente, but haven't managed to get one yet. We do not ask for subsidies, but the Gemeente has a say in this matter. We are sure that "where there is a will, there is a way".

There are no bilingual pre-schools or centers where English can be taught to children of these ages, so we will keep on looking into all possibilities to keep this facility open.

Burgerinititief op de agenda bij de gemeenteraad

Aanstaande donderdag 1 september wordt het burgerinitatief besproken in de gemeenteraad!

Hierbij zullen wij ons plan presenteren hoe kavel Gz5 met natuurinclusieve landbouw kan worden ingericht en een permanente bestemming kan krijgen voor biologische landbouw. Mede dankzij alle handtekeningen moet de raad zich nu hier over buigen.


Wilt u bij de vergadering aanwezig zijn? Alle support is welkom. Voor de agenda klik hier

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ondertekenbaar bij Avaaz

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In de krant "Het Hele Westland"

Westland Verstandig gaat losloopgebieden bekijken in het Westland. Laten we hopen dat er losloopgebieden gecreëerd kunnen worden. Tot die tijd hopen we zoveel mogelijk handtekeningen te krijgen om de Gemeente Westland inzicht te geven dat deze plekken er moeten komen!

Deel de petitie met vrienden, familie kennissen..


elke handtekening is er één!

Lees het artikel hieronder: