U, de petitionaris
Schermafbeelding 2020 12 16 om 22.05.09

Working internet for The Fizz Don Bosco

77 ondertekeningen

Internet hasn't been great for a lot of us since the beginning, but now it's even worse. Residents need to work and/or study from home, we rely on having a stable internet connection. Some of us have called ITTDesk, but they told us they can't resolve the issue.



residents of The Fizz Don Bosco


constateren dat:

that we don't have a stable internet connection. Internet isn't working at all for days or we're constantly being kicked out of the connection. Download and upload mbps is also way too low (around 10 mbps). We now need a good and stable internet connection more than ever due to working from home.


en verzoeken

The Fizz to fix this or let us get our own provider. It needs to be resolved before 2021. We have complained too many times while nothing has been done to our recollection.


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Paula Pietryga 

