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Release 1 hostage 1week ceasefire for rebuilding 1 Children's Hospital in Gaza

34 signatures

"With this petition, the signatories express their unspeakable sorrow and frustration over the war in Gaza. However, they also commit to supporting the complete (re)construction and equipping of a children's hospital in Gaza, following a ceasefire of one week after the release of a hostage."



Saddened, angry, and concerned citizens who want to contribute to peace with this path out of madness and despair


establish that:

There are still possibly 100 hostages held by Hamas. The government of Israel is conducting a war described as genocide by the International Court of Justice. Countless innocent children are being mutilated and traumatized. Peace negotiations have completely stalled up to this point. A peaceful society is further away than ever in this humanitarian disaster, which arose from a catastrophic history for both parties. The signatories of this petition will not only sign but also fill in the amount they will donate upon the release of a hostage and the observance of a week-long ceasefire, for the construction of a children's hospital


and request

The relevant parties, such as our government, the UN, and acting emergency aid organizations, should convey this promise with its conditions to the government and the people of Israel, as well as the leadership of Hamas and the people of Gaza."

Sign this petition

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De prijs van vrede II

vandaag een korte inventarisatie gemaakt van wat individuele burgers willen bijdragen aan dit plan. Een gijzelaar, een week staak het vuren in Gaza voor de bouw van een kinderziekenhuis.


10 mensen gevraagd, die bereid waren een eerlijk antwoord te geven. Je mag je afvragen of dat ook gedaan wordt, maar het bedrag kwam op 130 euro gemiddeld uit. Dat is mega-veel. Ik denk dat de meeste mensen vrede willen en dat ze daar veel voor over hebben. Voor mij is dat hoopvol.


The Price of Peace

An F-35 fighter jet costs approximately 66 million euros. The Netherlands has purchased a total of 46 of these aircraft.

The price can vary depending on the exchange rate of the dollar at the time of payment.


The F-35A, which is also being built for the Netherlands, will cost $77.9 million in Lot 14. A fully equipped mobile clinic—an easily transportable carbon-fiber clinic with a small operating room and its own power supply—costs an estimated 50,000 euros. This clinic can provide medication and primary care for 30,000 people for three months (IDA). You could buy 140 of these units for the price of one fighter jet.


Massive demonstrations against mass destruction in Gaza.

We can see how many people want the mass violence, which has already claimed thousands of innocent children as victims—dead, permanently maimed, and traumatized—to stop now. We want investments in peace and security for the children in Gaza.".
