You, the petitioner

Make Amsterdam foxtail free

479 signatures

Join us in urging Amsterdam city hall to remove foxtails, a threat to our pets that can cause injuries and even death in dogs & cats. Help create a safer environment for our Amsterdam pets by signing this petition.



Pet owners and pet lovers.


establish that:

  • In Amsterdam there are a lot of foxtails in every neighborhood and these present a real risk for dogs and cats.
  • In the late spring and summer foxtails dry up and easily get carried away through wind, therefore able to end up on pets' furs, in their noses, ears, or lungs, thus causing injuries and even potential death.
  • This is a danger that is easily preventable by removing foxtails from public spaces.


and request

to remove all foxtails from Amsterdam and monitor the foxtail plants in the future, so they are kept contained and do not spread in the city.

Sign this petition

We e-mail you a link to confirm your signature. Your data will not be shared with third parties and remains with the Stichting Your name and place of residence will only appear if you choose this. Read more about this in our privacy statement.


Addressed to:
Petition desk:
Closing date:
Lead petitioner:
Irina Mihai 

