The tax authorities intend to shorten the term of the 30% ruling as of 1 January 2019 from eight to five years. This shortening will apply to both new and existing cases. For new cases this is not a problem, but for people who currently have the 30% ruling, it does.
Hilfort B.V. (Payroll Company) in the name of expats affected by this
Questions from expats who have bought / rented a house and have taken into account their current income for the duration of the 30% ruling and therefore are forced to return to their country of origin / can no longer afford their house.
Expats who change from Payroll to self-employed, which can’t be the intention given the WWZ (Wet Werk en Zekerheid).
In addition
Loss of knowledge because they return to their country of origin
Bad advertising / uncertainty for future knowledge migrants
The above findings seem to have been overlooked or ignored in the research, but are important reasons for us and our expats.
To provide expats with security by not changing the existing 30% ruling similar to the reduction of 2011.