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Dit is geen limonade het kabinet zegt van wel

Stop the lemonade tax on plant-based milk

56,149 signatures

The government decided to apply a tax named “lemonade tax” on plant-based milks from 2024 onwards. This means that the tax will increase on plant-based milks from €8,83 (2022) to €26,13 (2024) per 100 litres. This will be done, without applying this tax rule on products such as cow milk and chocolate milk.

In Dutch



Plant-based milk lovers, vegans and lactose intolerants;


establish that:

  • That it is unfair to apply the lemonade tax on plant-based milks, while cow milk and chocolate milk is excluded;
  • Plant-based milk will become way more expensive, and people will be discouraged to choose this alternative;
  • The transition to plant-based proteins instead of animal proteins will not be reached;
  • To stop this lemonade tax, in order to give everyone an equal chance to pay a fair price for an environmentally- and animal friendly alternative for cow milk.


and request

  • Except plant-based milk from the increasing lemonade tax and the tax plan of 2024;
  • Exempt plant-based milk, just like cow milk and soya drinks from the lemonade tax;
  • Stimulate the consumption of plant-based milk and to research which ways these products can be subsidized, just like cow milk.

Sign this petition

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Addressed to:
Petition desk:
Closing date:
Lead petitioner:
Misty M. 



Updates Belasting op 'frisdrank' straks drie keer zo hoog, óók op havermelk

Vanaf 1 januari 2024 betaal je een stuk meer voor veel dranken, waaronder ook plantaardige melksoorten. Dat komt doordat de belasting flink omhooggaat: met 17 cent per liter.

De zogenoemde verbruiksbelasting (...) lees verder.


Artikelen over de 'suikertaks' op alternatieve melksoorten

Op verschillende website is er te lezen over de beslissing en ingangsdatum van de suikertaks op alternatieve (lactose vrije) melken. Hierbij wat websites voor extra informatie:
