You, the petitioner

Stop the civil war in Ethiopia; prevent the next refuge crisis

12 signatures

The Prime Minister of Ethiopia Abiy Ahmed Ali who won the Nobel peace prize in 2019 has been waging a civil war in Ethiopia since Nov 4. His war is assisted with airstrikes with civilian causalities reported by the international media. Say no to war. Prevent Ethiopia from becoming the next Syria.



We are an Ethiopian community living and working in the Netherlands.


establish that:

The Prime Minister of Ethiopia Abiy Ahmed Ali who won the Nobel peace prize in 2019 has been waging a civil war in Ethiopia since Nov 4. His war is assisted with airstrikes with civilian causalities reported by the international media. Say no to war. Prevent Ethiopia from becoming the next Syria.

Abiy has cut off all forms of communication to North Ethiopia. We can't call or chat; we have no information on the wellbeing of our families.


and request

We ask the Dutch government and public to pressure the Prime Minister of Ethiopia Abiy Ahmed Ali to stop the civil war and resolve political differences by dialogue and negotiation. By signing this petition, you help us bring the issue to the attention of the Dutch government. Abiy receives aid from the Dutch government; and the Dutch government can use this leverage to demand accountability. Thank you.

Sign this petition

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Addressed to:
Petition desk:
Closing date:
Lead petitioner:
Ashenafi Gebreweld 

