You, the petitioner
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Stop Chemelot's toxic discharges into our Meuse River

2,633 signatures

The wastewater from the Chemelot chemical complex is discharged into the Meuse, with a permit that has been granted by Waterschap Limburg. Every year, Chemelot is allowed to discharge more than 14 tons of microplastics and 661 chemical substances, including several heavy metals and many hundreds of emerging substances, into the Meuse.



citizens who depend on the Meuse for drinking water or are concerned about the earth


establish that:

  • Microplastics are accumulating in our environment
  • For many substances there is evidence that they harm humans and the environment, the precautionary principle is being ignored
  • The discharges pose a risk to public health and clean drinking water
  • Harmful substances are being filtered out of the water just a few kilometers away using our tax money to provide clean drinking water
  • The chemicals harm aquatic life in the Meuse, nature and biodiversity, and marine ecosystems


and request

Waterschap Limburg to immediately prohibit all discharges from Chemelot, both directly and indirectly, into the Meuse and guarantee adequate enforcement with deterrent fines.

Sign this petition

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Addressed to:
Waterschap Limburg 
Petition desk:
Closing date:
Lead petitioner:
Indra Steens 
Extinction Rebellion Limburg en Operatie Klimaat (Milieudefensie) Limburg 

