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Abolish the useless and chimpanzee unfriendly breeding rule

138 signatures

In Dutch

The European Breeding Programme (EEP) has stipulated for European chimpanzees that they will no longer be allowed to produce offspring any more if they do not belong to the West African subspecies. This makes these chimpanzees less desirable, leading 13 zoos in Europe to want to get rid of their chimp groups! We want to prevent this unnecessary suffering.

Why is the breeding rule not good? (pdf)



Chimpanzee and animal friends


establish that:

  • That this breeding rule is no longer of this time.
  • Chimpanzees are in danger of extinction. All chimpanzees are African and the differences, such as facial color, are nil.
  • Due to this breeding ban, these chimpanzee groups are often taken to countries with little animal knowledge and no experience in dealing with chimpanzees.
  • Or that they will serve as a status symbol or for entertainment.
  • That this breeding rule causes unnecessary suffering to a huge number of European chimpanzee groups.
  • Chimpanzees are very sentient animals that develop a deep bond with their environment and their caretakers.
  • When moving, these chimpanzees often undergo culture shock and lose everything that is familiar.


and request

  • The EEP coordinators of the European chimpanzee studbook, urgently, to immediately abolish this untenable breeding rule, whereby different chimpanzee subspecies are not allowed to breed with each other, in order to prevent so much suffering.
  • Or to review this breeding measure: Only to be used for new chimpanzee groups. And to protect the existing groups from this. To prevent further suffering.
  • To have the wisdom to dare to come back on a decision, now that it has become apparent that this breeding ban entails too much damage for both the chimpanzees and the zoos. In this case, the goal does not justify the measures!
  • To be grateful, even if they are mixed groups; for the healthy and balanced chimpanzee groups that exist in Europe today.

Sign this petition

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Addressed to:
Petition desk:
Closing date:
Lead petitioner:
E. Schagen / R. Vermeersen / E. van Strien / Y. Cohen/ I. Jansen/i.Lamberta 

