U, de petitionaris

Progress test fourth year students

140 ondertekeningen

The progress test is necessary to pass our education, but the rules differ per year and we find this unfair!



Fourth year students of the Leisure & Events education at the Breda University of Applied Sciences


constateren dat:

We were told that in the third year we could not have an opportunity to take and finish the progress test in a summative way. Now, the current third years are given twice an opportunity to take the progress test in their third year and twice in their fourth year in the summative way. But, we fourth years only get two opportunities to pass the progress test in a summative way in our final year.


en verzoeken

We, fourth years also want to have four possibilities in our final year to pass the progress test.


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Joëlle en Kim 




Meeting about the PGT

Yesterday, together with 2 other students we had a meeting with two people from the exam committee, project leader PGT and a management team member.

We have discussed the issue and they are going to discuss it and come back to us.

I will keep you updated and keep sharing the petition! .


Some mentions from other students

What an awesome response we have on this petition!

I just wanted to share some things from our fellow students, which I noticed while watching the petitions.

Third year students now can take the test for fourth year so they don’t have to do it in fourth year while someone has done it in third year and passed but it didn’t count because it is formative...

Someone else from ATPM told me that they also need to take the PGT while they had totally different classes the past three years!

When there are enough responses, I want to take this to the exam committee so stay connected and keep sharing the petition! .
