You, the petitioner
Achter deze houten wand  bevind zich een groot parkeergarage

Offer parking facilities for the residents of the Adagio apartments

90 signatures

Right under the buildings of Sonate and Adagio in The Hague Center there is a large parking garage that has been closed for years, we (as residents of Adagio) would like advice to open up this space and rent it for loan.



Residents of apartment Adagio


establish that:

The newly developed apartment complex Adagio does not offer parking facility to its tenants. It is however constructed on top of an existing, underground parking, that appears to be closed/not in use. This area is separated from the rest of the parking (Q-park SPUI) by a wooden sliding door.


and request

Open this area, for use by the Adagio tenants, against a monthly rent

Sign this petition

We e-mail you a link to confirm your signature. Your data will not be shared with third parties and remains with the Stichting Your name and place of residence will only appear if you choose this. Read more about this in our privacy statement.


Addressed to:
Petition desk:
Closing date:
Lead petitioner:
Johnny Charoe 
Bewoners van Adagio 

