You, the petitioner
Free tap water at restaurants

Mandatory Free Tap Water in All Catering Establishments

114 signatures

Healthy, affordable and environmentally friendly: make free tap water the norm everywhere, just like in the Nordic countries. This prevents overconsumption of sugary drinks, reduces healthcare costs and limits plastic waste. Sign and support a healthier, fairer hospitality industry!



We, concerned citizens, health professionals and sustainable entrepreneurs


establish that:

The Netherlands has excellent tap water, but many catering establishments only offer sugary drinks or expensive bottled water. In Norway, Sweden and Finland, free tap water has been the norm for years, helping to combat obesity and plastic pollution. By making free tap water the norm, we encourage healthy choices and reduce waste.


and request

We call on the House of Representatives to introduce legislation that makes free tap water mandatory in all catering establishments, just like in the Nordic countries. A free, healthy alternative to soft drinks promotes public health, reduces healthcare costs and limits plastic waste. Sign now and support a healthier, fairer future!

Sign this petition

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Addressed to:
Tweede Kamer 
Petition desk:
Lead petitioner:

