You, the petitioner

Let the highest not the last grade count

72 signatures

After the faculty council at Tilburg School of Economics and Management democratically voted in favor of continuation of ‘the highest grade counts’, the rector magnificus of Tilburg University overturned our vote by utilizing a rarely used rule establishing ‘the last grade counts’ from 2024-2025.



Students at Tilburg university (TiSEM faculty)


establish that:

  • the majority vote on university level was in favor of highest grade counts
  • the executive board argues that there was a majority of faculties in favor of ‘the last grade counts’
  • this implies that some votes weigh more than other
  • students have only been involved in the last stage of harmonising the EER, despite asking for it since August 2023
  • students only got a binary choice and couldn't seek out other alternatives.


and request

That the student voice is taken into account at an equal weight as other participatory bodies at Tilburg University. We democratically voted in favor for the highest grade counts, therefore it shouldn't be dismissed so easily.

Sign this petition

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Addressed to:
Petition desk:
Closing date:
Active TiSEM and ECCO 

