You, the petitioner
Ethische politiek indonesie meme cleaned

Colonise Indonesia again to stop the new barbaric laws replacing ours!

2 signatures

Today, on the 20th of September, 2019, the Indonesian People Representative Counsel approved the RUUKUHP, a set of barbaric laws. These rules include 4 years of imprisonment for abortion, including rape victims. Some of it will already take effect on 24 September. Give them back the justice of law!



the people of the Dutch nationality, for our Indonesian friends,


establish that:

that our laws effective in 1918 are being replaced by the barbaric RUUKUHP laws.

  • Abortion will result in 4 years of imprisonment, including rape victims or for medical reasons.
  • Extramarital sex in 1 year of imprisonment (including non-married couples).
  • A curfew for women after 21:00, with fines of 1 million Rupiah (€64), a 1/3 of a salary for an Indonesian living on minimum wage.
  • Also, 3.5 years for criticizing the (Vice) President. And more...

Click here for more information from the Human Rights Watch


and request

to bring back Dutch law by colonizing Indonesia again to prevent regression of Indonesian society.

  • Give Indonesia proper laws again.
  • Save women from oppression from corrupt egois sexual repressed politicians.
  • Give the people of Indonesia back their freedom of speech.

It's our duty to take care of our once bêsèt friends.

Sign this petition

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Addressed to:
Tweede Kamer 
Petition desk:
Closing date:
Lead petitioner:
Seth van de Velde 

