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10 year rule and loss of citizenship without knowledge - Dutch embassys have failed to advise citizens who leave abroad.
Hii guys, i really feel painfull that i was told i lost dutch nationality because of the 10 year rule, yet i had no idea it even existed . I am now stuck in kenya and cant get one. why doesnt the embassy advise us? I got kenyan nationality through birth but lost dutch nationaity at 28
the ministry of foreign affairs dont seem like they want to help instead i feel they are making it more dificult for me despite the fact that i lost Kenyan citizenship when reached the age of 21 due kenyan act on dual nationality
anyone advise what can be done for me? 95% of my family lives in the netherlands as my parents age who will take care of them? also advise whats the update on the amendement of the citizenship act from 10-15 and for those who lost citizenship to apply within a year? kindly email me henrygommans@gmail.com