You, the petitioner
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Equal man and women representation in the board of companies

4 signatures

The percentage of women working in a company should be equal to the percentage of women in the board of that company. When there are 125 woman working in a company of 300 employees in total, there should be a 42% representation in the board of this company.



Angelina Prins, Sofian Maguilej & Farah Pool (Sustainable Development Goal 5 Gender Equality) and supporters


establish that:

It still is very common that woman don't have representation in the work place, they are being treated like they are worth less then men. They do not get the same time devoted to increase there working skills as men do.


and request

We need this to change, equal rights! There has to be equal representation.

Sign this petition

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Addressed to:
Tweede Kamer 
Petition desk:
Lead petitioner:
Farah Pool 
University of Applied Science Utrecht 

