You, the petitioner

Ban livestock transport over long distances in the EU

369 signatures

More than one billion poultry and 37 million live cattle, pigs, sheep, goats and horses are transported across borders within the EU and to third countries every year. This is happening now! It really is a huge hell for the animals. In the UK, NZ and Australia, it is banned!



Citizens of the European Union, and other world citizens


establish that:

  • That the transport of live animals causes an incredible amount of animal suffering.
  • Time and again tragic events show that this mode of transport must stop.
  • It's outdated, this is horror
  • In the UK, New Zealand and in Australia, it is already banned


and request

  • End long distance transportation
  • Export ban for live animals to third countries
  • Maximum transport time of 8 hours (4 hours for poultry)
  • Transport of meat and sperm on behalf of animals
  • Strengthen controls on the transport of live animals
  • More sanctions for infringements
  • A revision of the EU Transport Regulation 1/2005 to end the cruel long-distance transport of live animals

Sign this petition

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Addressed to:
Europese Commissie 
Petition desk:
Closing date:
Lead petitioner:
Edwin Graafland 
Facebook groep - Dierenrecht in de Grondwet 

