You, the petitioner

Stop Microsoft From Exploiting Workers To Mine Cobalt In Congo

107 signatures

Microsoft Corporation found themselves on the defense when Amnesty International reported three years ago that the cobalt in some of their electronics was dug up by Congolese miners under inhumane conditions. Microsoft said they would audit their suppliers and fix the problem. Nothing happened!



concerned consumers, Dan, Lisa, Maria & Robin


establish that:

At the Mutoshi cobalt mine, Congolese workers could be seen descending underground without helmets, shoes or safety equipment. The mine’s owner, Chemaf SARL, is key in the global cobalt supply chain for firms such as Microsoft. “Of course, people die,” said the CEO of Chemaf SARL in May 2019. “This is really shi@]#y work.” He called the miners “barbarians” and said Chemaf resisted giving them safety equipment because they would sell it.


and request

Microsoft should stop as soon as possible with sourcing Cobalt from the Mutoshi mine, in order to halt the exploitation of Congolese miners.

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Addressed to:
Petition desk:
Closing date:
Lead petitioner:
Daniel Lopez 




Watch this shocking YouTube video about the Mutoshi mine

Inside the murky business of cobalt mining in DR Congo

Click here to watch a report from France 24 .
