An EU directive dictates airlines and ferry companies to not take passengers on board without valid travel documnents. Tasks of customs are outsourced like this. When they do take them on board they have to pay a fine and bring the passenger back.
Resulting in refugees risking an illegal passage, even though an airline ticket would be far cheaper. All of today's misery could be over by adapting this EU regulation.
Regulation 2001/51/EG says that those who transport passengers have to make sure passengers have valid travel documents, otherwise there are sancitons.
War refugies who can claim their status as refugee still have to make this illegal journey because they cannot legally buy a ticket.
To strike this directive for passengers with a return ticket.
Op verscheen op 7 maart een stuk ter ondersteuning van deze petitie:
"Luchtvaartmaatschappijen krijgen nu een boete als ze een passagier aan boord nemen zonder de juiste visa. Laat ze toch vliegen, als ze maar een retourticket hebben."
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Ook in Trouw, op pagina 22, Opinie, 9 maart 2016.