Maak vrouwen sterker in het theater! THEREDBOX Projects zoekt naar een creatieve ruimte voor vrouwen en culturele empowerment in Amsterdam. Teken deze petitie om het initiatief van Carmen Toledo te steunen en kunstenaars met verschillende achtergronden in de gemeenschap te verenigen.
Kunstenaars, bondgenoten, cultuurliefhebbers: zij die opkomen voor creatieve ruimtes en kunstenaarswerk.
een toegankelijke ruimte in Amsterdam om onze inspanningen ter bevordering van de empowerment van vrouwen in de geschiedenis te ondersteunen.
Dear Supporters,
We're thrilled to share some exciting news with you! Last Thursday, 20 June 2024, we officially submitted our petition 'Offer a creative space for women and cultural empowerment in Amsterdam' to the Raadscommissie Financiën, Kunst en Diversiteit (FKD) of Gemeente Amsterdam. This is an important milestone in our journey towards artistic continuity and growing together as a creative community.
This incredible achievement was made possible by your invaluable support, with a total of 302 signatures: 210 from Amsterdam residents and 92 from supporters in other provinces, cities and even abroad.
Your belief in our vision has brought us one step closer to making it a reality.
As we move forward, we are preparing for the next steps outlined by the Commission. A new meeting has already been scheduled for 11 July 2024 and we look forward to a positive outcome.
Thank you for your support and belief in THEREDBOX Projects. We will keep you updated every step of the way, as about our next projects.
Warm regards,
Carmen Toledo Director THEREDBOX Projects
Wachten op de afspraak om de petitie aan te bieden aan de Gemeente Amsterdam... Hartelijk dank aan iedereen die onze petitie heeft gesteund.
Waiting for the appointment to present the petition to the Gemeente Amsterdam...
Thank you very much to everyone who supported our petition.
Thank you to everyone who has signed our petition in support of our cultural initiative. We will now present our petition to the Gemeente Amsterdam and wait for them to give us their invaluable support so that we can continue and even improve our cultural work, open it up to more participating artists and get a visible space in the Amsterdam community. We will keep you informed about possible developments. Regards and thank you!.