U, de petitionaris

Better IND instructions about LGBT migrants

8 ondertekeningen

For a Nigerian bisexual who fled his home country due to fear of persecution after a law was passed in Nigeria 2014, the IND makes no valid argument to dismiss claims, like not being able to remember the family name of ex boy friend. IND also makes inaccurate references, and uses stereotypes.



we believe that all LGBT asylum seekers should be welcomed in a country like the Netherlands.


constateren dat:

  • IND in some cases determines the sexuality based on gay stereotype behavior, which is not permitted by law to assess it.

  • not remembering all the full names of people we met as teenager after the shocking events we have gone through, the ones we remember should be considered.

  • that IND should use the facts and justifications given to facilitate their decisions

  • IND should grant permit when they don't have enough argument to dismiss claims.


en verzoeken

We therefore ask the Secretary of State to instruct the IND clearly about the required evidence for LGBT migrants.

Examples of what an LGBT asylum seeker can give are:

  • copies of arrest warrants

  • life threatening wounds as a result of sexual beliefs

  • justifications why not secure a permit in another member state

  • justification about not wanting to go to home country or embassy due to arrest warrants

  • access to an online dating site for verification

  • answering all questions correctly.


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Tweede Kamer 
Schedrak uchebuba 
LGBT Rights 

