U, de petitionaris

Stop student violence in Bangladesh

1 ondertekening

The student protests in Bangladesh started last week and got worse each day. Every day students are dying and getting injured. The police and local authorities are forcing the students in a very violent way, resulting in casualties of students and regular ordinary people.



  • Bangladeshi students in the Netherlands
  • Dutch citizens with Bangladeshi background


constateren dat:

  • At this moment more than 2,000 students are studying in the Netherlands.
  • The students are very concerned about the situation in Bangladesh.
  • The student protests in Bangladesh started last week and got worse each day.
  • Every day students are dying and getting injured. More than 200 students have died already and thousands injured.
  • The police and local authorities are forcing the students in a very violent way, resulting in casualties of students and regular ordinary people. To be specific, the local police and authorities are using firearms to shoot on people, resulting in casualties.
  • This news is also shared by the global news channels, i.e. Al Jazeera, CNN, NOS etc.
  • As of yesterday there is no phone and internet network available in the whole country. We don't know how much worse the situation is today.


en verzoeken

an immediate stop on the killing of students. Can the Dutch foreign minister address this to the Bangladeshi government?


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Ahmed Dhaly 
Bangladeshi students association in Europe 

